Our pre-school ministry consists of ministry opportunities for children 0-4 years of age. Each Sunday we have a section dedicated to our nursery age children and a separate ministry focus for our 3 & 4 year olds. Bring your young children and join us this week.
Our children's ministry developes children from age 5 - 12. With a wide range of activites and services for your children throughout the week, we consider each child valuable and desire to disciple them so they may be strong young men and women for Christ.

Refuge Youth Church is designed specifically for students ages 12 - 18. This is a place for teens to unite with other teens and worship God. Each week they will encounter God in amazing ways from icebreakers and games to worship and the preaching of God's Word. The Refuge Youth Network is the place to be on Wednesday nights at 6:30pm.
The ministry for adults ranges from corporate gatherings on Sundays to adult bible study on Wednesdays to small intimate LIFEGROUPS meeting through out the week.

The purpose of our small group ministry is to connect people together outside of the corporate experience so as to build relationships, biblical understanding and its purpose in our every day lives.
A ministry opportunity to use the variety of creative arts abilities of our church family. Through music, drama, art and other forms of expression, we desire to honor God through the giftedness of His people.

Ministry to our community is a vital part of PVAG. With multiple outreach entities on a weekly basis, you can see this is at the heart of who we are as a church.