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Trans4mation Station Pre-School

Monday - Thursday 
9:00 A.M. - 1:00 P.M.

Our Vision

Our vision is that Trans4mation Station Preschool would be used to reach children and their families with the love of God. We hope to introduce children to their creator and help them grow in understanding more of who He is and how He wants to be a part of their every day lives. We desire to see them grow in their trust of God and their ability to hear from Him. Additionally we believe this school is a tool to help strengthen children through a strong foundation of academics as well as life skills and physical development. We believe that all children can learn and it is our pleasure to find out how to best make that happen as each child is different. 

Our Mission

Our mission is to provide a secure environment for your child to grow into who God has created them to be. Our hope is to help them fall in love with learning through discovering their individual learning needs and meeting each of those needs to the best of our ability. We will also work to instill qualities to help them further their own learning and growth. We hope to build a healthy confidence in each child, allowing them to trust their God given ability to learn, but more importantly to trust their ability to hear from God in a personal way. Our desire is that they will rest in that confidence which they can carry with them for the rest of their lives. Our mission is to be the vessel that God moves through in order to reach children and families with the love and truth of God.

What We Believe

We believe that God created us along with this wonderful and mysterious world. He, in His great love, gave us all free will. Unfortunately in this free will we chose to go our own way and decided to do life apart from Him and His beautiful and perfect design. This can be seen in even the youngest child when they take a cookie and run away with it after being told no. We deviated from how life was created to be in all its beauty and wonder. In this we ruined the perfect unity with our creator and Father as He cannot be together with sin. While He is a loving God, He is also just and has to punish disobedience. He knew that sins punishment was not only death physically but also spiritually. This separation was not okay with God and in knowing that this would happen He preplanned for redemption which would some day allow us all the ability to both have free will but also have the opportunity to decide for ourselves to be unified with God. This wonderful plan was Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection on the cross. We could not make ourselves clean enough to be in God’s presence but Jesus could, by taking our place, so He left the beauty and perfection of Heaven to come to earth with His creation and live in the restraints of this world. He felt what we felt and chose to understand what life as a human was like with all its sickness, turmoil, and pain, due to sin and evil. He led by example and love. He came to defeat sin and the death that was our deserved punishment for disobeying Him. He chose to take that death on His shoulders in a very painful and real way. But after giving His life, He rose again defeating death and allowing us to have the chance to live once again with our creator. He reunited us with the One whose thoughts about us are endless. We believe our job is to acknowledge that we all have lived an imperfect life of sin. No human has ever lived perfectly. We have all strayed from what God designed. When we see how broken we are from this original design that God had, we can then come to Him, to the great physician, to be healed and made new. We simply ask to be forgiven for choosing to do life our way without Him. We return to the love we were created for with our great God. We choose to let Him lead us through life and trust that He will not let us fall. We trust we are covered by what Jesus did. We know that life on this earth may never be easy, but with God who created it, we can navigate through it in a much clearer and meaningful way. We believe that this is not our home and we are waiting to go home, but while we are here, we go and share this great love and truth with everyone we know so that they can be set free from living in the broken state they are in and the chains of lies that satan has tried to hold them in for so many years. We no longer try to work to earn God’s love or approval by being a “good person” but know He already loves us, gave His life to cover our sin, and He will help us walk through life and grow. We simply need to have faith and trust that He is able to do all He says and our lives will reflect that.  

Romans 3:23, John 3:16, Romans 10:13-15, Ephesians 2:8-10, James 2:14-26

Preschool Days

Three Year Olds


Monday & Wednesday

Tuesday & Thursday

Monday - Thursday

Four Year Olds


Monday - Thursday


Kasey grew up in Bellwood-Antis. Kasey is excited to step into the Trans4mation Preschool Director role this year and share her passion for children and her faith with families. Kasey is married to Dan and they have a 3 year old son named Hunter. Kasey’s son has inspired her to advocate,  learn and want to help all children to learn. Kasey has 10 years of behavioral health work experience. Kasey has experience working in many different elementary schools in the Blair County area. Kasey’s passion for helping people is contagious and her love for learning and growing is evident in how she pursue’s her dreams. 



Preschool Director

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